Things I do when I'm procrastinating or bored...
Boredom & Procrastination
For me, I always have something I should be doing but I can never be bothered to actually do it....
So if your like me and can't be bothered to do 'that thing' you 'really need to do' then my advice would be to at least do something productive with your time! Binge watching TV shows may seem like a great idea, however I find I am always more fulfilled if I do something on my to do list!
For example:
The other day I was supposed to be working on my biology assignment. However, as per usual, I didn't feel like doing it....
So instead, I decided I would still do something fun but productive with my time;
For any of you that know me, music is one of my passions, so writing a song is fun for me. Because it's something I love to do, I spent hours just writing and recording and before I knew it BOOM! One more assessment done and dusted! Sure it wasn't the one I had planned to complete, but I managed to spend a solid 4-5 HOURS doing something worthwhile ! It is so easy to waste time on activity's with little or no priority. I hate the feeling of hopping into bed at night and knowing I did absolutely nothing productive, yet had so much on the 'to do' list.
Sometimes it's hard to find motivation but I just try to tell myself that the time to watch movies and relax will be so much more fulfilling if I just put the effort in now!
Anyway there's some inspiration for you all! Have a great day :)
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