Boredom & Procrastination For me, I always have something I should be doing but I can never be bothered to actually do it.... So if your like me and can't be bothered to do 'that thing' you 'really need to do ' then my advice would be to at least do something productive with your time! Binge watching TV shows may seem like a great idea, however I find I am always more fulfilled if I do something on my to do list! For example: The other day I was supposed to be working on my biology assignment. However, as per usual, I didn't feel like doing it.... So instead, I decided I would still do something fun but productive with my time; MY MUSIC COMPOSITION! For any of you that know me, music is one of my passions, so writing a song is fun for me. Because it's something I love to do, I spent hours just writing and recording and before I knew it BOOM! One more assessment done and dusted! Sure it wasn't the one I had planned ...
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